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Video clips of workshops, lessons and performances at IM Gallery
Line Dances
C’est la Vie
Mueve Tu Cucu
Sex On The Beach
Lessons and Workshops
Cha Cha lesson taught by Joelle Suchy, March 5, 2022: https://youtu.be/rRsGNkERdy8
Hustle lesson taught by Rainer Trubere, March 14, 2020: https://youtu.be/HBpLjvX8QuM
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Joe Olsen, March 7, 2020: https://youtu.be/S1pUtjFM0Vo
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Joe Olsen, February 29, 2020: https://youtu.be/ozviWKtqh5M
Country Polka lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, February 22, 2020: https://youtu.be/bIqjjBgKWdM
Hustle lesson taught by Rainer
Trubere, February 15, 2020: https://youtu.be/SmawaOXlfU4
Hustle lesson taught by Rainer Trubere, February 8, 2020: https://youtu.be/Uy5Thh5ufzs
Salsa and Bachata lesson taught by Emily Tang, February 1, 2020: https://youtu.be/eMNBdXJkWck
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Joe Olsen, January 31, 2020: https://youtu.be/zEN6OpH062o
Argentine Tango lesson Taught by Tommy Kang, January 18, 2020: https://youtu.be/oPm2TLPGh9Q
Country Waltz lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, January 11, 2020: https://youtu.be/poSr5Z1stxs
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Joe Olsen, 12-28-2019: https://youtu.be/PAAsL43YaDo
Night Club Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber: https://youtu.be/2V_6USQcpF0
Hustle Lesson Taught by Kim Vanaman December 14, 2019: https://youtu.be/RKVZ96p58_8
Argentine Tango lesson Taught by Tommy Kang, December 7, 2019: https://youtu.be/jsPMdpsYnoc
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Joe Olsen, November 30, 2019: https://youtu.be/vHbgj6dInD4
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul and Saralhlynn, Nov 23, 2019: https://youtu.be/WnGUdMiAyu0
Hustle lesson taught by Rainer Trubere, November 9, 2019: https://youtu.be/kULPH_G2XAY
Halloween Merengue and Bachata Lesson taught by Emily Tang, 10-26-2019: https://youtu.be/HLFMgJ1n_bw
Halloween Party Performance, Lili Chou’s Dance Group, 10-26-2019: https://youtu.be/ORJHYRY-wUA
Halloween Costume Parade, 10-26-2019: https://youtu.be/KatsDNcMOyE
Argentine Tango lesson taught by Tommy Kang, October 19, 2019: https://youtu.be/ATKyr2HXIH8
Argentine Tango lesson taught by Tommy Kang, October 12, 2019: https://youtu.be/RR4osN0xADU
Hustle lesson taught by Kimberly Vanaman, October 5, 2019: https://youtu.be/lDIJlNIK4DE
Quickstep lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, September 28, 2019: https://youtu.be/33qne_4h1MU
Country Two Step lesson with Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, September 21, 2019: https://youtu.be/9NyVSsc8_EI
Salsa lesson taught by Tommy Kang, September 14, 2019: https://youtu.be/OfdrVmBnSYA
American Tango lesson taught by Michael Salvador, September 7, 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0iDL02yUc
Bachata lesson taught by Emily Tang, August 31, 2019: https://youtu.be/8wOG42mS9h4
East Coast Swing 2 taught by Tommy Kang, August 17, 2019: https://youtu.be/Mg3s585Wc70
East Coast Swing 1 taught by Tommy Kang, August 10, 2019: https://youtu.be/DpzvcozNOzk
Hustle lesson taught by Rainer Trubere, August 3, 2019: https://youtu.be/_RdTu8e2tLc
International Rumba lesson with
Michael Salvador, July 27, 2019: https://youtu.be/nas4eCZ3uc4
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, July 20,
2019: https://youtu.be/_BpXf4r-tT0
American Foxtrot lesson with Vitaly Novikov, July 6, 2019: https://youtu.be/-x3stvPFvjg
Samba 2 lesson with Tommy Kang, June 29, 2019: https://youtu.be/wH-3mQUkOfY
Samba 1 lesson with Tommy Kang, June 22, 2019: https://youtu.be/qHZ6woaKl9I
Viennese Waltz lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, June 1, 2019: https://youtu.be/mz-4pwQ2gmw
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 2-23-19: https://youtu.be/lKwa2y85V9U
American Rumba lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 1-26-18: https://youtu.be/6Ups7vrbiEc
Rumba taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 12-8-18: https://youtu.be/8jfPECFrZpY
Hustle taught by Emily Tang, 12-1-18: https://youtu.be/lm27hQdRins
Bachata taught by Elvis Ruiz, 11-24-18: https://youtu.be/fLeQh6zmaM0
Quickstep taught by Vitaly Novikov, 11-17-18: https://youtu.be/47GkSn_ugV4
Night Club Two Step taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber: 11-10-18: https://youtu.be/F8lBVSlqfvY
Samba lesson taught by Emily Tang, 11-3-18: https://youtu.be/Z7yEIQ3hxgE
Tango lesson taught by Emily Tang, 10-20-18: https://youtu.be/6N_CDvnlXbE
Waltz lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahynn Wilber, 10-13-18: https://youtu.be/VwmT0AyUHvU
International Rumba lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 9-29-18: https://youtu.be/U4r5cwzHWGs
Salsa lesson taught by Luis Martinez, 9-22-18: https://youtu.be/us5bVBWHBTE
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 9-15-18: https://youtu.be/G49aGwJ2ANg
Cha Cha lesson taught by Emily Tang, 9-8-18: https://youtu.be/eRu12RFoRSg
Waltz lesson taught by Lili Chou, 9-1-18: https://youtu.be/qZ6RutwyepE
Country Two Step lesson taught by Anthony Lee and Sarahlynn Wilber, 8-25-18: https://youtu.be/3oQ5GoeLbas
Merengue lesson taught by Luis Martinez, 8-18-18: https://youtu.be/Ww5bIeog78k
Hustle lesson taught by Lili Chou, 8-11-18: https://youtu.be/M4y8PGz9TMQ
International Tango lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 8/4/18: https://youtu.be/WRFvYK6dj2s
Hustle lesson taught by Lili Chou, 7/28/18: https://youtu.be/EGcq-xL3B7s
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Tybaldt Ulrich, 7/21/18: https://youtu.be/d2p-Tna5nVY
Bachata Lesson taught by Luis Martinez, July 14, 2018: https://youtu.be/3BVQkfsEEQI
Jive/East Coast Swing Lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, July 7, 2018: https://youtu.be/QXV-n7f_Hfw
American Tango Lesson taught by Lili Chou, June 30, 2018: https://youtu.be/nl8e_Bl8muM
Salsa lesson taught by Luis Martinez, June 23, 2018: https://youtu.be/97lIi7xwAhQ
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Sascha Newberg, June 16, 2018: https://youtu.be/tGU9jZcf6D8
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, June 9, 2018: https://youtu.be/VkkwpO11I7Y
Bachata lesson taught by Iglika Dimitrova, 6-2-18: https://youtu.be/4Ee4Xg8PE_0
Cha Cha lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 5-26-2018: https://youtu.be/OlVY-kUKQ58
Night Club Two Step lesson, 5-19-18: https://youtu.be/itKUYVw6pSQ
Country Waltz lesson, 5-5-2018: https://youtu.be/fsDdZSacEPI
West Coast Swing lesson taught by
Tybaldt, 4-28-2018: https://youtu.be/3EgCUglHj0s
Polka lesson taught by Brian Thompson, 4-22-2018: https://youtu.be/r6QvIaWrM8Y
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 4-21-2018: https://youtu.be/JOYhLSRcmhA
ChaCha lesson taught by Emily Tang, 4-14-2018: https://youtu.be/Jh-9xJdYTao
Foxtrot lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 4-7-2018: https://youtu.be/JAIuN04fsqU
Salsa lesson taught by Lili Chou, 3-31-18: https://youtu.be/gWm0Uqyd9cA
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Tybaldt Ulrich, 3-24-18: https://youtu.be/rartBtHPYBw
Foxtrot lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 3-17-18: https://youtu.be/jzP9O8t4aSI
Country Waltz taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 3-10-18: https://youtu.be/WnwNtf8I8Hs
American Foxtrot taught by Emily Tang, 3-3-18: https://youtu.be/zOagTRrsKxE
Paso Doble II lesson taught by Brian Thompson,
2-24-18: https://youtu.be/VCNIwT-dljo
Paso Doble I and II demo: https://youtu.be/HOXo6eK3cOg
Hustle Lesson Taught by Lily Chou, 2-16-18: https://youtu.be/-FN-7Hj6Ry8
Polka lesson taught by Brian Thompson, 2-3-18: https://youtu.be/mPewdjypTnw
Hustle with Hazel, 1-27-18, https://youtu.be/27YPQRbTSZU
Salsa lesson taught by Emily Tang, 1-20-2018: https://youtu.be/TPMv7ew_TLg
Paso Doble workshop taught by Brian Thompson, 1-13-18: https://youtu.be/dNnrxQu95Pw
Paso Doble workshop steps: https://youtu.be/Js3cOOY2sEs
Country Two Step taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber 12-2-17: https://youtu.be/RUSoqnnxWf4
Waltz lesson taught by Emily Tang, 11-25-17: https://youtu.be/hoTRL01V--s
Foxtrot lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov 11-18-17: https://youtu.be/ZnJpfXs_elk
ChaCha lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 11-11-17: https://youtu.be/NlnTm7wW_Rg
Polka lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 10-28-17: https://youtu.be/81XO8UhFTFA
Bachata lesson taught by Emily Tang, 10-14-17: https://youtu.be/i4ncJZMEOWg
Hustle with Hazel 10-7-17: https://youtu.be/dtF7gtBYVaE
Samba lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 9-23-17: https://youtu.be/buZH2nfjalI
Country Two Step with Paul and Sarahlynn 9-16-17: https://youtu.be/BbTdADUZ0gQ
Hustle with Hazel, 9-2-17: https://youtu.be/YNYLQ2Gez-s
Waltz Lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 3-18-17: https://youtu.be/6CkwClGF6rk
Country Two Step taught by Anthony Lee, 3-11-2017: https://youtu.be/d4jYZxTZyyo
Hustle Lesson taught by Tybaldt Ulrich, 3-4-17 https://youtu.be/Wsv1em7qraQ
Country Waltz Lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 2-18-17 https://youtu.be/4lawZPvQ0Os
Night Club Two Step lesson taught by Anthony Lee 2-11-17 https://youtu.be/FtilTlu4avo
West Coast Swing Lesson taught by Sascha Newberg and Jason Lane, 2 5 17: https://youtu.be/UxKJ-_Z0DXI
Hustle Lesson taught by Hazel Mede Ulrich 2 4 17, https://youtu.be/xy55lhP19Y0
Samba lesson taught by Vitaly
Novikov, 1-28-2017: https://youtu.be/caIy0M8lhKA
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber,
1-21-2017: https://youtu.be/mvdjXGs0HyQ
Salsa lesson taught by Emily Tang,
1-14-2017, https://youtu.be/h6GWmQHFGgo
New Year’s Eve 2017 Videos – Thanks to Teresa Kung
Hustle lesson taught by Hazel Mede Ulrich, 12-10-16: https://youtu.be/5axYvPU7rIc
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Katie Strzeszewski, 12-2-16: https://youtu.be/0X2cOizmtNs
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 12-3-16: https://youtu.be/GcpEUJHkDfE
Salsa lesson taught by Emily Tang, 11-26-16: https://youtu.be/-LfzfqchKg8
Country Two Step Taught by Tony Lee and Sarahlynn Wilber, 11-12-16: https://youtu.be/wJwP-54QV6c
Night Club Two Step taught by Tybladt Ulrich, 11-5-16: https://youtu.be/NTsoWAuPdNw
Salsa lesson taught by Emily Tang, October 29, 2016: https://youtu.be/Wl7D9M9Qtuc
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, October 15, 2016: https://youtu.be/EaZlkfiTZ78
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Hazel Mede Ulrich, September 16, 2016: https://youtu.be/Tu6yE643CJM
Country Two Step lesson taught by
Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, September 24, 2016: https://youtu.be/OmDbw7mLd4g
Samba lesson taught by Vitaly
Novikov, September 17, 2016: https://youtu.be/rGHFIumOvS0
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Hazel Mede Ulrich, September 16, 2016: https://youtu.be/v6KFThCIoYs
East Coast Swing lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, August 6, 2016: https://youtu.be/YjJaPTvIAZg
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Sean Ryan and Tammy Rosen, 8-19-2016: https://youtu.be/xe1lR_ubkpg
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Katie Strzeszewski, July 22, 2016: https://youtu.be/rZYcFecuKzQ
Country Waltz lesson taught by Paull Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, July 9, 2016: https://youtu.be/JiHeKex4AeU
Hustle lesson taught by Tybalt Ulrich, May 21, 2016: https://youtu.be/7MbnmWzIkN4
West Coast Swing lesson taught by
Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, May 7, 2016: https://youtu.be/rCqJ88L5qWA
Viennese Waltz lesson taught by Emily Tang, 3-26-16: https://youtu.be/N6UFVGsydu4
Night Club Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 3-12-16: https://youtu.be/QBzRCJ2Lf0k
Jes Ann Nail teaching West Coast Swing, 3-7-16: https://youtu.be/kqEblyi7DmU
Rock and Go with Peter Wahl and
Julie Lee, 2-29-16: https://youtu.be/l61kg6B2w1A
West Coast Swing taught by Jes Ann Nail, 2-22-16: https://youtu.be/39lov6_dc-c
Night Club Two Step lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber,
2-20-16: https://youtu.be/mWF869vkTjY
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Stephanie Risser, 2-19-16: https://youtu.be/4WDJYWNWmGc
Samba lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 2-13-16: https://youtu.be/pDxmaX86pqA
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Chuck-Hou Yee, 2-8-2016: https://youtu.be/q6Vd3n9kPzE
Cha Cha lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, 2-6-16: https://youtu.be/0gsqekgWbpw
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Akil Boatwright, 1/14/16. https://youtu.be/ypr6Za81liQ
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Akil Boatwright,: https://youtu.be/uISXSws8WQw
Jes Ann Nail teaching West Coast Swing choreography, Part 1: https://youtu.be/7dhDSrvQ52k
New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2015. https://youtu.be/5ZHxnB1GB4E
Thanks to Teresa Kung
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Akil Boatwright, 12/14/15: https://youtu.be/x8z7h-zIrSc
Funky West Coast Swing taught by Jes Ann Nail, 12-4-2015: https://youtu.be/WvfdeydLscU
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Chuck-Hou Yee, 11-30-15: https://youtu.be/o3FHAJpi6tA
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Chuck-Hou Yee, 11-27-15: https://youtu.be/LJSDjycr83k
West Coast Swing lesson with Chrissy Bridgeman, 11-23-15: https://youtu.be/76eurH4H378
Polka lesson taught by Paul Stoddard, 11-21-15: https://youtu.be/LuDCxxrz92A
Jes Ann
Nail teaching West Coast Swing, 11/16/15: https://www.youtube.com/
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Akil Boatwright, 11/9/15, https://youtu.be/ExjZyqzD6LI\
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Jes Ann Nail, 11/2/15: https://youtu.be/x_CxRug05iQ
Country Two Step with Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 10-31-15: https://youtu.be/AJ3ax0O4mKQ
West Coast Swing with Chrissy Bridgeman, 10/26/15: https://youtu.be/4Iwf0ZOFxBs
West Coast Swing with Phil LaMothe, 10/23/15: https://youtu.be/mr3kHCT77z8
Cha Cha lesson with Emily Tang, 10-24-15: https://youtu.be/yDQYoA6TjZA
West Coast Swing with Leslie Segebade, 10-12-15: https://youtu.be/GEipHz8jwIg
American Tango lesson with Emily Tang, 10-10-15: https://youtu.be/Ec4s52gOHVU
Jacqueline Joyner teaching West Coast Swing, September 28, 2015: https://youtu.be/YllB7ZHXsHU
Steve Wilder teaching West Coast Swing, September 25, 2015: https://youtu.be/4fskSBHHbgY
Barrel Rolls Workshop with Jes Ann Nail, September 21, 2015: https://youtu.be/48Cwb8i5jy0
International Flashmob Performance at Highland Park
Arts Fair, Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015: https://youtu.be/51SkwTrnBDE
American Rumba lesson taught by Emily Tang: https://youtu.be/f7Tl2GlCPPU
Cooking WCS with Chrissy Bridgeman, September 14, 2015: https://youtu.be/iTekTn28Qds
NJ Westies International Flash Mob September 5, 2015:
Washington Square Park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhrNxOF2KUQ
#2 Union Square Park: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFac99hUmsU
#3 Union Square Subway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D118hAPSQhw
Samba lesson taught by Tommy Kang, August 22, 2015: http://youtu.be/Qr3uMvcLqtU
American Foxtrot lesson taught by Tommy Kang, August 15, 2015: http://youtu.be/ZhP6xvgUj4w
West Coast Swing taught by Chuck-Hou Yee, August 10, 2015: http://youtu.be/Cnf4w6Rxsn8
Country Polka taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, August 8, 2015: http://youtu.be/BmkjcAg-97o
West Coast Swing taught by Phil
LaMothe, August 3, 2015: https://youtu.be/bR9grpoYeiI
West Coast Swing taught by Jacqueline Joyner, July 27, 2015: http://youtu.be/LOpVjOhz9EE
Country Two Step, July 25, 15 - http://youtu.be/DLbb_SGG0KU
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Chirssy Bridgeman, 7-24-15: http://youtu.be/6qJz3BMOeXw
West Coast Swing lesson taught by Chrissy Bridgeman, 7-13-15: http://youtu.be/LPCiAGAP7yk
Country Waltz lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 7-11-15: http://youtu.be/zkQFDDrmx5E
West Coast Swing lesson with Phil LaMothe, 7-6-15: https://youtu.be/Ul4PInHsBaU
East Coast Swing lesson taught by Tommy Kang, 7-4-2015: t http://youtu.be/NZMq-jKsckw
Hustle lesson taught by Tommy Kang, 6-27-15: http://youtu.be/3e5N9p1gRyk
Country Waltz lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 6-20-15: http://youtu.be/oXpFnJPoZrk
Samba lesson taught by Michelle Song, Saturday, 6-13-15: http://youtu.be/X0_zmkQu0L4
Salsa lesson taught by Michelle Song, Monday 6-8-15. http://youtu.be/wWVMqs3LBcw
Quickstep lesson taught by Tommy Kang, 6-6-15: http://youtu.be/MkaQUGC55bw
West Coast Swing lesson with John Festa, 6-1-15: http://youtu.be/EUAKZCLAwrY
Quickstep lesson taught by Tommy Kang, 5-30-15: http://youtu.be/9n2GjmXxJZg
Country Two Step lesson taught by Billie Jo Burdack, 5-25-15: http://youtu.be/lVsoELn-AB4
Official International Flashmob video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYo3X7rIquI&feature=youtu.be&list=PLwVUK7LM8fJG2ZKMDzhlRSxoObwCfO4TU
International Flashmob lesson 2
with JesAnn Nail, July 20, 2015: http://youtu.be/TSfgK4VzUkU
International Flashmob lesson 2 with JesAnn Nail, June 15, 2015: http://youtu.be/mI7tp6rYQ9M
International Flashmob lesson 1 with JesAnn Nail, May 18, 2015: http://youtu.be/NUX5XKTtkhs
International Rumba with Tommy Kang, 5-16-15: http://youtu.be/cUDCmM1Mk1w
Night Club Two Step with Phil LaMothe, 5-11-15: t http://youtu.be/lpMaBPvK4mA
West Coast Swing with Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 5-9-15: http://youtu.be/Rp83p9QHx2c
Country Cha Cha with Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 5/2/15: http://youtu.be/v7_-J3R7GoI
Country Two Step with Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, 4-25-15: http://youtu.be/C2ctyFDgwvQ
WCS with Jes Ann Nail, 4-20-15: http://youtu.be/WSUYlp2fBmc
International Tango, Week 4 with Tommy Kang 4-18-15: http://youtu.be/WSneNnJd9C4
International Tango, Week 3 with Tommy Kang 4-11-15 http://youtu.be/Qh0dMgF-O7M
International Tango, Week 2 with Tommy Kang 4-4-15 http://youtu.be/0HmQqerIwiU
International Tango, Week 1 with Tommy Kang 3-28-15: http://youtu.be/sxJMEMecE8E
West Coast Swing with Billie Jo Burdack: http://youtu.be/KdshE1nj-7k
West Coast Swing with Jes Ann Nail, 4-6-15: http://youtu.be/kAb8dqn6uBU
West Coast Swing with Billie Jo Burdack,
3-30-15: http://youtu.be/mBVuyAYzZ5k
West Coast Swing lesson with Billie Jo Burdack, March 9, 2015: http://youtu.be/Zh1U3b5_me8
West Coast Swing lesson with Phil LaMothe, March 2, 2015: http://youtu.be/4mTwVgTCVHQ
Country Waltz Week 1, March 8, 2015 With Paul Stoddard and SarahLynn Wilber: http://youtu.be/BTQw9-RmFzw
Country Two
Step Workshop with Peter Burdack, 2/24/15:: http://youtu.be/
West Coast Swing Workshop 2-17-15 with Billie Jo Burdack http://youtu.be/laaSHZI-RW4
West Coast Swing Styling 2-3-15 with Billie Jo Burdack: http://youtu.be/AMKmM5rwEC4
Country Two Step (Week 1 of 5) with Billie Jo Burdack: http://youtu.be/MfM378yRn4k
Arjay Centeno WCS 1-19-15: http://youtu.be/iTlPkIlGh64
Jes Ann Nail, WCS, 1-12-15: :http://youtu.be/rRsrAPrQKlE
Salsa lesson Week 4 with Tommy Kang, 1-24-15: http://youtu.be/U2eX22hkLJE
Salsa lesson Week 3 with Tommy Kang, 1-17-2015: http://youtu.be/qTyyJ8V-5Kg
Salsa lesson
Weeks 1 and 2 with Tommy Kang, 1-10-2015: http://youtu.be/rdK33N5J8y0
Hustle lesson with Billie Jo Burdack, January 5, 2015: http://youtu.be/jD8P-JMz-oQ
PARTY slide show December 31, 2014: http://youtu.be/KMOqpOqFICY
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY video December 31, 2014: http://youtu.be/gArh4FiKWvY
Thanks to Teresa Kung
West Coast Swing
lesson with Billie Jo Burdack, December 29, 2014: http://youtu.be/eXIosKHc6Kg
West Coast Swing lesson with John Lindo, December 15,
2014: http://youtu.be/bIhGu7RG250
West Coast Swing Musicality and Syncopations workshop with Phil LaMothe, December 8, 2014: http://youtu.be/3aqmlRvBUOw
Argentine Tango with Tommy Kang, November 22, 2014 (week 3 of 3): http://youtu.be/hwnrfIlifLQ
West Coast Swing workshop with John Festa, November 24, 2014: http://youtu.be/OfJopplpTDE
Argentine Tango with Tommy Kang, November 22, 2014 (week 2 of 3): http://youtu.be/ZgBPNNv-D94
West Coast Swing
variations workshop with Billie Jo Burdack, November
10, 2014: http://youtu.be/JJxeavchHv4
West Coast Swing workshop with John Festa, Halloween California Mix, October 27, 2014: http://youtu.be/yS1BvMEf0tU
West Coast Swing
lesson taught by Steve McArthur and Sarahlynn Wilber, October 18, 2014: http://youtu.be/FZseWmFu4ms
West Coast Swing lesson taught by John Lindo, October
13, 2014 http://youtu.be/akv5maGBGo8
West Coast Swing
lesson taught by John Festa, September 29, 2014: http://youtu.be/j4iJlzLmmmc
Waltz lesson
taught by Vitaly Novikov, September 27, 2014: http://youtu.be/_QgOtJdh0ic
Jive lesson
taught by Vitaly Novikov, August 23, 2014:
West Coast Swing
Variations workshop taught by John Lindo, August 18,
2014: http://youtu.be/6c4PGGQ_QjM
Country Waltz
lesson taught by Paul Stoddard, August 16, 2014: http://youtu.be/PBIGPw8OYr8
Barry, Rena and Dina dancing Cha Cha: Monday, August 4, 2014: http://youtu.be/ADH7nZxBYRg
Country Two Step
taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, August 2, 2014: http://youtu.be/bRYGHjfTQQM
Polka lesson taught by Paul Stoddard:
July 19, 2014: http://youtu.be/Xu7W74WM-L8
“Tidal Wave” taught by Paul Stoddard and
Sarahlynn Wilber, July 5, 2014: http://youtu.be/gf31TdHOL38
Country Waltz lesson taught by Paul
Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, June 7, 2014: http://youtu.be/-qI8H0skqrc
Cha Cha
Variations lesson taught by Vitaly Novikov, May 31, 2014: http://youtu.be/hpz-XsG_ogE
Beginner Hustle lesson taught by Bob Sweeney, May 24, 2014: http://youtu.be/CmXOOZCSutE
Country Two Step lesson taught by Paul
Stoddard, assisted by Connie Young, May 10, 2014: http://youtu.be/icu6wqZU0t0
Hustle lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, May 3, 2014: http://youtu.be/kWrrD64pE8Y
Country Two Step
lesson taught by Paul Stoddard, April 14, 2014: http://youtu.be/3Jl6pyiEICg
Beginner Hustle lesson taught by Sarahlynn Wilber and Steve McArthur, April 5,
2014: http://youtu.be/MofRCjdullQ
Advanced Beginner West Coast Swing
lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, March 8, 2014: http://youtu.be/6YMzdszS9N4
Advanced Beginner Night Club Two Step
lesson taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, March 1, 2014: http://youtu.be/cm3wacpPhPI
Country Two Step
Advanced Beginner lesson taught by Paul Stoddard. March 10, 2014: http://youtu.be/hrHMSrtB9fc
Country Two Step
Advanced Beginner lesson taught by Paul Stoddard. March 3, 2014: http://youtu.be/dNv7a5jZG-E
Country Two Step
Advanced Beginner lesson taught by Paul Stoddard. February 24, 2014: http://youtu.be/qs5YjOUXsn8
Country Two Step Advanced Beginner lesson taught by Paul Stoddard. February 10, 2014: http://youtu.be/QKMvHc8DtNo
Advanced Beginner West Coast Swing workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, Feb 1, 2014 http://youtu.be/KkbiEJHolwA
Slide show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=renZVxMoyvU
Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qzWTmjAUsI
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywDIdkV_CdQ
Countdown!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rJ4-nQ9J18
(Pictures can be seen here: http://www.dancinginhighlandpark.com/Gallery/index.php/NewYearsEve2013)
Country Two Step Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber,
November 30, 2013: http://youtu.be/vzioZ9EhwJA
Country Two Step Beginner Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, November 23, 2013: http://youtu.be/RaFc_7jZ6WI
Cha Cha Workshop taught by Vitaly Novikov, November 16, 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADsYK8ubuWg\
East Coast Swing Workshop taught by Artem Bilous, October 5, 2013: http://youtu.be/4tXaIs9qHeQ
Country Two Step Beginner Workshop
taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, September 28, 2013: http://youtu.be/lyruJR4SEf8
Country Two Step Beginner Workshop
taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber, September 21, 2013: http://youtu.be/vEsTbSL-xNo
Night Club Two Step workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM
Gallery, August 10, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smej_-U31Rc&feature=youtu.be
Country Two Step workshop taught by Paul Stoddard at IM Gallery, July 26, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uCDoDz0rzPI
West Coast Swing workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, July 13, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxrLi9LtHqY
International Tango Workshops – 3 Week Series: June 2013:
Week 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqmDqtNifK0
2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrX4ARhtymo
Week 3: http://youtu.be/89kInkk0yc8
West Coast Swing Variations Workshop
“Whip It Good” taught by Sean Ryan and Tammy Rosen at IM Gallery,
6-28-2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zYJ1cSEGcQ
Night Club Two Step Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, June 1, 2013: http://youtu.be/YeGCL7TwUmQ
West Coast Swing Variations Workshop taught by Sean Ryan and Tammy Rosen at IM Gallery, 5-24-2013: http://youtu.be/ZvHE_WRL__I\
East Coast Swing Workshop taught by
Paul Stoddard and Yany Perez at IM Gallery,
5-18-2013: http://youtu.be/al7X9jZkhLk
Country Polka Workshop taught by
Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 5-4-2013: http://youtu.be/bgob7X4RV04
Intermediate Hustle Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 4-27-2013: http://youtu.be/gqAzsMq2Djw
Intermediate WCS Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 4-20-2013: http://youtu.be/Z1dspE2VjSU
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by
Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 3-30-2013: http://youtu.be/lHDoluvG9Ys
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 3-23-2013: http://youtu.be/QnkLvUN9tWI
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 3-16-2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBJnfRgAS2w&feature=youtu.be
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by Paul Stoddard and Sarahlynn Wilber at IM Gallery, 1-19-2013: http://youtu.be/ExmVbbJOHUU
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by
Peter Burdack at IM Gallery, 11-24-2012, assisted by
Cody Beck Kong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Xs4XmOmk4
Bachata Workshop taught by Michelle Song, at IM Gallery, 11-17-2012, assisted by Nancy Wu: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit?ns=1&feature=vm&video_id=Ea_kOp7jGZI
Gangnam Style Line Dance Workshop led by Michelle
Song at IM Gallery, 11-17-2012: http://youtu.be/skDmv1b1-Nw
American Waltz Workshop, taught by Emily Tang at IM Gallery, 10-13-2012 - first pattern: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydf54A5Hvew&feature=plcp
American Waltz Workshop, taught by Emily Tang at IM Gallery, 10-13-2012 - second pattern: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDpsLk94orY&feature=plcp
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by
Peter Burdack at IM Gallery, 9-29-2012, assisted by
Cody Beck Kong: http://youtu.be/Zq_oN70n4wQ
Country Two-Step Workshop taught by Peter Burdack at IM Gallery, 9-15-2012, assisted by Cody Beck
Kong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3oQNXBqoy4&feature=youtu.be
Rumba - ChaCha Showcase performed
at IM Gallery on October 22, 2011, featuring Nilufar Azadova, Andrey Panin, Tula Sayalkham, Kostya Romanov, Angeline Li, Deepu
Paul, Elena Tsang and Marc Liebeskind.
Choreographed by Iryna Pinigina: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m0TzYpDi-0
Hustle Workshop at IM Gallery with Jessica Gittleman, assisted by Nancy Wu, 9-24-11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wILBn4wNgg
West Coast Swing Workshop at IM Gallery with Jessica Gittleman, assisted by Nancy Wu, 9-24-2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNkWI9b63Ow
East Coast Swing 4-week series, July 2011, taught by Jessica Gittleman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubBSJ-0XQag
Country Two Step Pattern from 4-Week Series, taught by Jessica Gittleman, 6-25-2011: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4pNK-PzmZw
Beginner and Intermediate Hustle Patterns taught by Diane Nardone, 10-23-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udCXwXOJ6bk
West Coast Swing Beginner Workshop taught by Jessica Gittleman, 10-9-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSQyr2pInFY
West Coast Swing Intermediate Workshop taught by Jessica Gittleman, 10-9-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXs-F9F5pC0
Bolero Workshop taught by Angel Tramm, 7-10-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qadOB7K5-OE
West Coast Swing Beginner Workshop taught by Jessica Gittleman. 7-3-10:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRij7BwEOcs
West Coast Swing Intermediate Workshop taught by Jessica Gittleman, 7-3-10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oFwaDmur80
International Rumba Variations Part 1 with Tommy Kang
6-26-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sdL8L_TzTc
International Rumba Variations Part 2 with Tommy Kang 6-26-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKQrCQqA0uk
International Rumba Variations Part 3 with Tommy Kang
6-26-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysQoG_jPaB0
West Coast Swing Workshop 1 with Jessica Gittleman (steps) 6-12-10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0usQFRiW3M
West Coast Swing Workshop 1 with Jessica Gittleman
(pattern) 6-12-10:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hokjYI_ayE8
West Coast Swing 2 with Jessica Gittleman (steps)
6-12-10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWd2Z4yzHw4
West Coast Swing 2 with Jessica Gittleman (pattern)
6-12-10 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ3V6fTJVjw
Night Club Two Step Workshop 1 taught by Jessica Gittleman at IM Gallery 5-29-10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fEkNXBubBA
Night Club Two Step Workshop 2 taught by Jessica Gittleman at IM Gallery 5-29-10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAMamijlbhU
Cha Cha Choreography Workshop taught by Angel Tramm, 5-22-10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiaNqqLRESI
International Samba Workshop taught by Tommy Kang, 5-1-10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqve1ra_I8g
West Coast Swing Workshop taught by Jessica Gittleman, 4-24-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyUNJLr-Vp4
International Tango Workshop taught by Tommy Kang, 4-10-2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXEGmISyOkc
West Coast Swing Workshop, Pattern 1 Steps, taught by John Lindo 12-29-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiSRkvK5MFE
West Coast Swing Workshop, Pattern 1 with Music, taught by
John Lindo, 12-29-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loMisbD8_cY
West Coast Swing Workshop, Pattern 2 Steps, taught by John Lindo,
12-29-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sna9AOU7MK4
West Coast Swing Workshop, Pattern 2 with Music, taught by John Lindo, 12-29-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1393GxD9es
West Coast Swing Pattern 1, taught by John Lindo, 12-22-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qkifQeeJzE
West Coast Swing Pattern 2, taught by John Lindo, 12-22-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS-aum1BJ4Q
Hustle Advanced Beginner Pattern steps, taught by Wingo Hom, 12-16-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnd6DEz3qG4
Hustle Advanced Beginner Pattern with music, taught by Wingo
Hom, 12-16-09:
Hustle Intermediate Pattern steps, taught by Wingo Hom, 12-16-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVi8UJmuOiw
Hustle Intermediate Pattern with music, taught by Wingo Hom, 12-16-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hAAmH0aJrU
Bonus pattern: You had to attend the workshop to see that
Hustle beginner pattern taught by Wingo
Hom, November 25, 2009 (without music): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZt660UUpn4
Hustle beginner pattern taught by Wingo Hom, November 25, 2009 (with music): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=567KWenYqMw
West Coast Swing Choreography Performance on 9-26-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1A0rLEdeT8
West Coast Swing Choreography Performance on 9-26-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QILoIZFa9v0
Salsa Choreography Performance on 9-26-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgHOMxYdrNE
Salsa Choreography Performance on 9-26-09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pJ_tlhVaQ
Zouk workshop demonstration by Willem Engel and Juni, September 10, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_82Rqa_SDI
West Coast Swing Patterns taught by Jason and
Beginner Hustle Workshop pattern taught by Donna Boyle on June, 13, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF3WpxbSeAg
Intermediate Hustle Workshop pattern taught by Donna Boyle on June, 13, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1Gky0fu5V0
West Coast Swing Workshop pattern taught by John Lindo
on June 10, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25rlI4y6krg
Night Club Two Step Workshop pattern taught by John Lindo
on June 10, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv_YEb00Sgs
American Waltz Workshop pattern taught by Emily Tang on June 6, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyQam-14Ki8
Samba Workshop pattern taught by Emily Tang on June 3, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5myIIoGVFg
American Tango Workshop taught by Emily Tang, May 27, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeLwdVg7YyQ
East Coast Swing Workshop patterns taught by Susan Durst, May 23, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPqIT5A2S6M
ChaCha Workshop patterns taught by Susan Durst, May
20, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUuJr22bIdo
West Coast Swing Workshop patterns taught by Jason and
International Slow Waltz taught by Emily Tang (Monday night class, April 27,
2009): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IOamOe3qnc
International Slow Fox Trot Workshop taught by Tommy Kang, (full pattern) May
2, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acya9N74it4
International Slow Fox Trot Workshop taught by Tommy Kang, (steps) May 2, 2009:
Viennese Waltz Workshop pattern taught by Brian Thompson, April 30, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFNivRyCPVE
Country Waltz pattern with demo by Peter Bandy and Donna Reinhart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V5B-XGesdU
Intermediate Hustle Pattern taught by Diane Nardone,
March 21, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEzf9dUj9ls
Intermediate Hustle Pattern taught by Diane Nardone,
March 21, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YYl5YP5ly0
Country Two Step Routine taught by Donna Reinhart and Peter Bandy, March 15,
2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhoOxhfx1u8
Jive Workshop routine taught by Tommy Kang, February 28, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNUZoRwrMAs
Night Club Two Step routine taught by Brian Thompson, February 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTdDfLZ-re8
Polka routine taught by Brian Thompson, February 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpQ8b9rW92k
Paso Doble Workshop taught by Brian Thompson March
24, 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWKQzpu4CKs
Some other video clips:
West Coast Swing Made Easy – from YouTube:
“So you think you can't dance"
Have you ever felt some sort of restriction on your ability
to dance? Here is an 80+ year old woman doing a great salsa performance,
so age is no excuse.
Wheelchair bound dancer with partner doing Samba:
Two dancers, each missing a limb,
performing a beautiful choreography.
Don't let any perceived limitations that you think you might have get in the way of learning and enjoying dance.
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